Emma Frisch delicious family dinners
my free guide

stress-free, delicious, healthy family dinners


Here's my #1 tool for delicious, stress-free dinners: a weekly meal plan.

I hear you! I’d love to help you unlock the secret to stress-free, delicious family dinners.

To get you started, here’s my #1 tool: a FREE one-week dinner plan complete with family-favorite recipes, tips, shopping and prep lists.

Start using this key tool tomorrow, and watch as you confidently transform dinner from chaos to cherished family time


this free starter guide includes:

6 family-friendly dinner recipes (GF/V options)

1 bonus snack / sauce recipe

1 bonus snack / dessert / breakfast recipe

complete shopping list (printable + preloaded in Instacart)

complete food prep lists

tips for cooking with kids, shortcuts, and more

Can't cook all these recipes in one-week? Scale back - recipe prep and shopping lists are already made whenever you're ready to cook a recipe.
Emma Frisch Star Graphic

This free starter guide includes:

6 family-friendly dinner recipes

complete shopping list

Complete food prep lists

1 bonus snack recipe

1 bonus sauce recipe

tips for cooking with and for kids

Can't cook all these recipes in one-week? Scale back - recipe prep and shopping lists are already made whenever you're ready to cook a recipe.

reclaim the joy of cooking

The recipes are designed to use the same ingredient across recipes when possible, to avoid food waste and minimize spending.

Most recipes offer component cooking options, my approach to serving adventurous and picky-eaters at the same time, without cooking two separate meals (who wants to do that!)

By the way, you don't need kids to use a meal plan!

Still hungry? Sign up for a Time For Dins monthly subscription, and receive a one-week, seasonal dinner plan that can be used as a weekly template or month-long inspiration. Monthly subscribers receive exclusive discounts to Firelight Camps and other special perks. Over time, you'll also build your very own meal planning cookbook. If it’s not serving YOU, you can cancel your subscription any time!
More deets please!