A Juicy Note to My Readers
Dear eaters,
As we loosen our belts for the New Year, I would like to sincerely thank you for joining me in my kitchen escapades! What glory and good fortune to have the most beautiful ingredients at our fingertips, and to share our productions together, in real and virtual space.
Your opinions mean the world to me! In 2012, I would love you to help me make my chronicles a five-star food experience for YOU.
1. What I can do to improve Frisch Kitchen?
What are you hungry for? If I started twittering like a bird, will you follow me? What foods do you want to learn more about? What recipes are you craving? More pictures? More posts? Less posts? Would you like the posts in print-out format, perhaps with a simple one-click “print” button? Should I open a Facebook page dedicated to the Kitchen?
2. What do you like most about Frisch Kitchen?
Tell me what you love! What draws you back in? The pictures? My brief monologues? The recipes? Have you tried the recipes? If so, are they easy to follow, and more importantly, tasty? What do you find unique? What distinguishes Cayuga St. from other blogs and food resources?
Please comment below, or write to me at evkirwan@gmail.com. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
Now, on to the juicy bit!
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Given the nature of my profession and my experiences, I often feel slightly ridiculous “blogging” about food. I can’t help thinking about the simple, staple meals I’ve shared with Khadija in Isiolo, Kenya or Francisco in Tzumbutu, Ecuador. Not to mention the means by which those meals were cooked, and please, I whimper over beating my eggs with a fork. Even more, I think about the meals that my hosts were not been able to share with me because there simply wasn’t enough food, firewood, or water.
As humans, we tend to compare ourselves to those less fortunate (or more fortunate), but it’s difficult not to when “already a billion of us go to bed hungry every night. Not because there isn’t enough, but because of the deep injustice in the way the system works” (Oxfam). And here I am about to blog about my juice cleanse! How silly it seems.
However, Oxfam’s reference to the “deep injustice” of our system is key. I am a deep believer in authenticity and ethics. If we are given the extraordinary gift of eating to our heart’s content, a privilege America’s majority enjoys, we must do so with an informed and conscientious approach. Critical to this is the source of our food and our attention to health. And thus, at risk of sounding trite, I justify my juice cleanse.
The holiday season tends to be a time of gluttony: dessert, wine, roasted birds, and other highly charged foods. I come from a school of “desperately sweet teeth” and never refrain from home-baked goods. The result of nearly ten days on this diet is an irritated forehead, a lethargic gait, and tight pants. Hence, I’m in need of a thorough cleansing to recharge my body!
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This is just one of the juices I am subsisting on for three days – a quick fix! Check out these links for more information on juice cleanses, detox cleanses, and the master cleanse:
Use these keywords for a Google search: detox, master cleanse, juice cleanse, juice fast
A Juicy Recipe to My Readers
- 4 carrots, coarsely chopped
- 3 beets, coarsely chopped
- 2 big handfuls of kale leaves
- 1 apple, of 1 cup fresh apple cider
- 1-inch ginger root
- 1 lemon, fresh squeezed juice
- If you have a juicer, run your vegetables, apples and ginger through it. Add the lemon juice (and cider if you’re using it) to your glass and stir.
- If you don’t have a juicer (or yours is broken like ours turned out to be!), blend the carrots, beets, kale, and apples in a blender or food processor. Grate the ginger into the batch, and blend again. Over a large bowl, squeeze the pulp through a colander with a spatula. Add the lemon juice (and cider).
- Stir and refresh yourself!

I hear you! I’d love to help you reclaim stress-free, delicious family dinners with my #1 tool: a meal plan (it’s free).